I'm not calling this 'Fall into Inkwell'
But this is the fall issue.
It covers Connecticut (first half up until event calendar) and Purchase, NY (second half after its event calendar). I go to school in Purchase now, so exposing each area to each other's communities could make for some good things.
Some of the imagery is messed up in this issue online (some pages appear darker than others), and when you receive this in print, the Purchase half will be upside down. UPSIDE DOWN!
Also, because of the increased pages for this issue (almost double that of the last issue), printing has become more of a pressure. I'm offering up CD-R compilations with bands from this issue and past issues and also complete color issues for donations. Please help a gal out.
Oh, and also enjoy this. It's more interview-heavy than the others, but I think it's a good change.
Thanks for the write up...we love this zine!